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“The Checker’s Effect” reaches beyond just the performance. The audience’s connection
and interest in Checkers, his characters, and adventures often begin before our
appearances and continues on long after the performance has ended. Kids and families
create a true continued interest and investment in Checkers, his storyline adventures,
the popular characters, and the lessons and messages of the show.

The educational presentations and entertaining performances are only one aspect of the
world of Checkers The Inventor. For many kids, the introduction to Checkers may begin
even before their school years by engagement and learning through Checker’s Early
Learning Series, and by his many multi-media resources including books, flashcards,
videos, television appearances, video channels, games, and his popular and generous
fan club. In addition there are the teachers and event planners resources that are
provided before our live appearances that allows kids, parents, teachers, and event
hosts to experience many things in the world of “Checker’s” prior to our appearance.
This is also combined with after-event continued interaction, education, and learning as
part of Checker’s world, which includes many prominent area businesses, community
leaders, supporters and partners, who together allow the Checkers experience to
expand far beyond just our live performances. It becomes a continual experience from
age 3-10, and all ages in between.

It is this additional access to created content, resources, and multi-faceted progressive
engagement that, together accompanied with our popular live performances, create a
combined experience that we call “The Checker’s Effect!”

“The Checkers Effect” is fun, impactful, powerful, and most of all features continual and
ongoing support and engagement, creating a positive, family-friendly educational
environment and safe community that kids, parents, families, and supporters alike
recognize. Its uniqueness and ability allow us to reach and teach kids on a variety of
levels and topics, both personal and academic, all through our special format of multi-
media educational entertainment.

“The Checker’s Effect” is larger than any of our programs or performances as it is the
totality of many desired elements created for maximum impact, engagement, and
effectiveness, creating a very special and loyal following.
Let the benefits of “The Checker’s Effect” work for you!



Checker’s Effect Points Of Inclusion

Much greater than just our live performances

True and continued interest and investment/engagement in Checkers

Early Learning Educational Series allows for early engagement with The world of
Checkers through multiple medias and resources it becomes a continual experience from age 3-10, and all ages in between.

Teachers, hosts, and event planner resources for use before and after our performances
after event continued interaction/engagement, education.


Includes many prominent area businesses, community leaders, supporters and partners,
who together allow the Checkers experience to expand far beyond just our live

Continual, ongoing support and engagement, creating a positive, family-friendly
educational environment and safe community that kids, parents, families,


“The Checker’s Effect” is larger than any of our programs or performances as it is the
totality of many desired elements created for maximum impact, engagement, and
effectiveness, creating a very special and loyal following.

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